Greater Sudbury ON, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Sudbury (BBBSGS) received $79,500 in funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Resilient Communities Fund grant to support their efforts in improving marketing and communications, development of strategic, operational & fundraising plans, implementing training for staff and address the increasing need for volunteer recruitment and engagement.

The dollars granted to the agency by the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Resilient Communities Fund help make it possible to focus on donor engagement, volunteer recruitment and building a strong strategic direction.
“We want to continue to be there for Greater Sudbury children and youth, and this funding is allowing us to build that path forward”, said Chantal Gladu-Depatie, Executive Director.
The grant will also allow BBBSGS to reinstate our plans to build a new agency Strategic Plan, which we postponed when our focus moved to supporting our youth in real time as all of our programs shifted to virtual platforms. As we continue to recover and build resiliency from the impacts of COVID 19, BBBSGS will be developing and implementing medium to long-term plans to address new organizational needs and ensure a strong future, building solid funding, strategic and operational plans.
BBBSGS serve young people in Greater Sudbury facing adversity, coming from diverse socio-economic and cultural backgrounds and experiences. Through our programs, these young people gain positive experiences in recreation, skill development, teamwork, communication, sense of belonging, and confidence.
The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF), an agency of the Government of Ontario, and one of Canada’s leading granting foundations celebrates 40 years of grant-making in Ontario and making a lasting impact in communities. Last year, OTF invested over $110M into 1,022 community projects and partnerships. Visit to learn more.